Welcome to Tea on the Tailgate

Who are we?

Hosts of Tea on the Tailgate are all Land Rover owners that are committed to bringing social meets to their local communities. We are a group of enthusiasts that welcome all Land Rover owners to come along. Regardless of which Land Rover you drive we welcome you to come and join us.

Why “Tea on the Tailgate”?

A catchy name for the account was needed! A flashback to a friend making tea from the tailgate of his Range Rover provided the inspiration and as they say the rest is history!

How did it start?

Car meets have long been a thing, and Dorset (where Tea on the Tailgate began) is a region blessed with beautiful scenery and an abundance of Land Rover owners.

Getting to know local owners through local events has been an amazing experience, and when people kept voicing an interest in more meets being set up, something had to be done.

After much deliberation Tea on the Tailgate was born! It began as an instagram account, what better place to launch a social group than on social media right???

Well, it certainly got the word out! Within days there were requests for meets to be held in locations around the UK, but this was far beyond any one persons reach…

The answer? To diversify!

Tea on the Tailgate Dorset became the first branch, followed by Tea on the Tailgate Hampshire, and Tea on the Tailgate Wiltshire.

In just a few short months events have been taking place all over the country and Tea on the Tailgate is still gaining momentum. It’s not just a British thing either…. with word spreading fast on socials we have expanded into Europe!

There are instagram accounts with hosts organising events nationwide so please check out our events and region sections to find out what’s happening near you.

Special Thanks

Tea on the Tailgate would not be the success it is today without the dedication of the hosts but just as important are those that attend these events.

There are many people that need thanking for their unwavering support, advice and dedication and I hope that they know who they are.

Some special thanks go to the following:

South Coast Rovers

Tim Schofield at South Coast Rovers is the illustrator behind the amazing Tea on the Tailgate logos.

Contact south coast rovers via instagram for info regarding commissions.

Harriet Media

Harriet Fuller has provided many of the images seen on this website. She has a flair for documenting people and gets a buzz from photographing fast-paced vehicles around the track.

Visit Harriet Media at: