Welcome to the home of Tea on the Tailgate on the web.

We are a “not for profit” group of individuals who have come together to organise Land Rover social meets, primarily in the UK but with offshoots worldwide.

Tea on the Tailgate is nothing without the hosts that give up their time to organise events, so our homepage seems a fitting place to share my thanks for everything they do.

We also rely on you - our community, without your support and interest there is no Tea on the Tailgate, so again a huge thank you to each and every one of you.

Our Tea on the Tailgate meets are free to attend (parking fees aside) without obligation for anyone to purchase anything.

We are not a commercial venture, however are keen to support local businesses where possible and where we feel it is of benefit to our community.

We have professional photographers at some meets who have amazing portfolios of work - There is no obligation to purchase images although it is hoped that you do. Please be mindful if sharing any images that have not been purchased that their work is acknowledged and shared with watermarks still visible.

We are open to collaborating where we can to provide offerings that we feel may be of benefit to our community.

If you wish to discuss opportunities with us please use the contact page or PM on our instagram account.

Events at a glance